How a young pro improves

Ever have those moments as a teacher when all the clouds clear and a student just GETS it? Though they are few and far between, those moments are what we all hope for - the information we’ve put out there has been distilled, processed, and it comes together as an AHA moment!

When I recorded my Sound Truth Library, the part I spent BY FAR the most time recording (and learning how to use Final Cut Pro etc.) was the section of play-along videos I called Symphony Stage. For those of you who haven’t heard me blah blah about it already, Symphony Stage has many audio clips of my playing all parts of section excerpts like Brahms Academic Festival Overture, Shostakovich 5, etc. Subscribers can choose a part to play w me and sit in my section. So for those who want to play second on Shostakovich 5, for instance, you’d choose this clip and follow the instructions:

Earlier this month, Ryan Beach, an excellent young professional (principal in the Alabama Symphony) posted a video on YouTube (I knew he was thinking about doing something like this but it came as a pleasant surprise). This video made my MONTH, if not my year. HERE, finally, is someone who took the time to learn how to use Symphony Stage and really got a lot out of it! I hope you’ll take the time to watch all of it as Ryan is not only doing the Symphony Stage thing just right, he’s REALLY good at making videos. Be sure to subscribe to his Youtube channel while you’re at it. He’s got a ton of great info there as well as his podcast “It’s not spit, it’s condensation”. So, check it out - he has distilled the perfect way to use one section of the Library and at the same time made the best possible kind of tour - one from an "end user" (as they call my Members).

Happy Practicing! Any questions, let me know by replying to this message.

Ben @ benwrighttrumpet

Ben Wright Trumpet

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